Natural Parks
Natural Parks
Our hotels are situated
in areas
of exceptional natural beauty
Exceptional natural areas
The “Hôtels au Naturel” group brings together hotels located in an exceptional environment that contribute, through their activity, to the development of sustainable tourism in harmony with their location.
Established on a preserved site that is particularly well suited to sustainable tourism, a “Hôtels au Naturel” establishment provides guests with accommodation that allows them to access local heritage with a guarantee of calm, comfort and a quality welcome.
Finally, as a true ambassador for his local area, the hotelier undertakes to guide clients in organising their stays, by informing them about tourist attractions, local produce and expertise in the area.
The Group fully defines the objectives and values conveyed by its members, namely: to promote sustainable tourism, enabling visitors to better know and understand heritage and natural resources, while preserving and showcasing them
The Hôtels au Naturel brand, due to its history, considers the following as areas of exceptional beauty:
– Regional natural parks and adjacent areas.
– National natural parks and their adjacent areas.
– Any region rich in natural, built and cultural heritage, meeting several of the following criteria, including:
→ Wild nature, rich in flora and fauna
→ Biodiversity that is respected, protected and valued
→ Quality of the architectural environment
→ Landscapes maintained through respectful agriculture
→ Urban districts preserved in the context of their heritage (protected area)
→ Economic activity that is integrated into and respects the natural or urban environment
→ Minimal levels of light, sound, visual, and olfactory pollution
→ Situated away from major roads, industrial and polluting infrastructures, uncontrolled economic activity zones (shopping centres, industrial zones… on the outskirts of towns)
→ The willingness of local authorities to preserve and value the heritage of the local environment
→ A willingness to welcome reasonable, respectful tourism, rather than mass tourism
→ The presence of a tourism offer: (see charter)

Regional Natural Parks are created to protect and enhance large inhabited rural areas.
It is organised around a concerted sustainable development project,
based on protecting and showcasing its natural and cultural heritage.